Lottery Process

At present there are seats available within Payette River Technical Academy. In the event more students apply than there are seats available a lottery system will be employed as follows:

1. Four lottery pools and/or waiting lists will be established and prioritized as listed: 1) returning students, 2) siblings of pupils already attending, 3) students within the primary attendance area, and 4) all other students. Applications will be drawn for placement using the Equitable Selection Process Outline in Subsection 203 of the Administrative Rules Governing Charter Schools. The process will begin with a randomly drawn grade and continue with randomly selected grades. Those on the waiting list may be placed in the school any time during the year when an opening occurs. Available positions will be filled from the waiting list established from the initial lottery.

2. Once the enrollment period is complete and waiting lists have been established through lottery as described above, subsequent applications will be added to the waiting list on a first come-first served basis.

3. Once on a waiting list, students will remain eligible for placement within the school without repeating the application process. Each year, Payette River Technical Academy will contact all waiting list students and request written verification of the continued desire to be on the waiting list. The order of these waiting lists will be revised annually based on the lottery results. Students wishing to be removed from the waiting list must make their request directly to Payette River Technical Academy, in writing.

4. A lottery will be held by April 30 to established the waiting list order to entrance for the upcoming school year in the initial year and each year thereafter. All openings during the school year will be filled according to the order established by that lottery. The lottery will be held in a public forum and the Chairman of the Board of Directors of PRTA or the Principal will conduct the lottery selection..

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